Would you help us in moving the kingdom of God on the Navajo Nation, as you know that money moves things and that nothing is free it takes money to do outreaches, Revivals, Bible study most of these places are 5 - 50 miles to do ministry the nearest town is 30 miles, but there are over 400,000 Navajo people that live on this nation, the harvest fields are in deed ripen but need the means the (tools) to work this kingdom is limited but with your help we can do kingdom work together we can make a difference , will you help us in giving today to Native American Outreach and sow into good productive soil and you can see on our Web site all the work we do on the Navajo Nation. "Thank you so much for your Contribution to our Ministry".
May the Lord Richly Bless you.
Church members can pay their Tithes and Offerings here online.
Thank you so much for your Contribution into our ministry
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worry we are one in the same ministry.
This link will take you to Harvest Time Network Ministry don't
worry we are one in the same ministry.